The means.
The means. is a woman of many talents. Originally from Philly, now a North Minneapolis local artist. Her sound is slick, smooth and welcoming. Her tones can vary from smooth jazz notes to her bellowing like Adele to deep rap lyrics into the air. Her lyricism triumphs most. Her vocal range is crazy reminding of her versatile style touching everything from Jazz, Soul, R&B, Rock and Hip-Hop. She writes all her own music and it shows. Her depth is undeniable. She recently did a show for MN Live and The Walker Art Library. A program that show cases local artist to the community. She played tracks from her 2017 album, Gifts by the means.
You can find The means. On Spotify
How did you start singing/rapping?
I started singing several times in my life lol The most recent being when I moved to Philadelphia and I didn't have friends or anything like that, The means. was actually kind of borne out of my first experience with deep depression. For lack of anything else to do I got up and went to an open mic and that was the first time I ever sang into a microphone I think that was 2013.
Was music a big part of your life growing up?
Music was a part of my life I think subconsciously everyone in my family loved music, we always had something on. I loved to sing a but it wasn't something that was encouraged as a lifestyle.
What are some of influences that helped shape your music?
I'm not sure I have any that helped shape the music specifically. Definitely have entertainers that helped shaped ME and how I deliver my performance. Luther Vandross, Anita Baker, Baby Face, TLC, Tina Turner and Frank Sinatra.
How did you come up with the music name “The means.?”
I never really wanted a stage name or any kind of alter ego for performance. But I did want to discern what I did on stage from "normal" life. So, I'm always Sherri, what I do is The means.
How would you describe your sound?
I think one of my best friends and great DJ, DJ Jclef said it best once: “My music is in the hip-hop/pop/dance realm but, sonic-ally I'm more of a rock singer.”
What would you like people to get from your music?
I'm a writer first. And I believe in the power of music and words, so I only write what's honest and true to my experience. I hope people find my songs relatable and I hope they make people feel something.
Photo by @childishfun
Who/what are you currently listening to lately?
All depends on the situation, but in my free time I mostly listen to NPR lol
Anything new coming up for you music? Events?
I am always pulling something together last minute so you just have to stay tuned. But I'm excited I get a few new songs released this summer and working on my first music video.