Bando Stone: The Last of Gambino
I was going to wait to do this after the concert and describe my experience as well but sadly Gambino canceled the rest of his tour due to health complications! So this is overdue
A sentimental letter to Gambino, who doesn’t even know I exist. SO… Gambino is leaving childish things behind him. That’s alright because he was always a sick boi to me. but I’m glad to say that if this is how he’s ending his moniker, then fucking thank you sir. But also, I need more. I need so much more. Sorry to sound needy. but you're growing maturity is what’s making your music so good.
This new album is reminiscent of Camp. I love the journey we have throughout it. Obviously some tracks are more directed for the movie but then we get some personal tracks with glimpses of what life is like right now for Donald Glover. To be a husband and a father while simultaneously grieving the loss of his own father. Being a role model to his kids, the public and still being himself outside of Childish Gambino.
It’s rather poetic. The boy has finally grown up. He doesn’t need to hide behind anything. He wants to be recognized and his work recognized as his own. Which I mean he’s killing it at directing and going the T.V. route. It’s just so bittersweet when the artist you love reminds you that they’re also a human and are quite literally just living their lives. Shit is crazy.
My favorite tracks include, Talk my shit with FloMili and Amaarae, Real Love, In the night fr. Jorja Smith, Yoshinoya, Can you feel me Ft. Legend, Cruisin ft. Yeat, Got to be and of course Lithonia.