Putting Yourself First
The craziest thing happened to me today whilst at work. I was working and all of sudden had extreme cramps that ended me in urgent care. The reason I’m making this a post is because usually I would have just worked past the pain. I would have told myself to suck it up, you have to continue to work and just breathe through the pain.
I think it’s important to point out that especially as women we tend to not take our own problems serious. We assume it’s nothing or that we’re weak if we need help or need to stop and rest. Luckily everything was okay and nothing too serious but I really had to take a moment to kind of tell myself, I’m glad I listen to my body, that I put myself first and because of that I got ahead of a situation that could have gotten worse.
This is just a friendly reminder, to please listen to your body. Don’t put it off. Self care is also preventative care as well. We all deserve to live happy and healthy lives. I think it’s easy to get caught up in the idea of taking baths, getting your coffee, reading books near a fire. But sometimes self care is as simple as going to that check up, making sure you’re brushing your teeth, getting enough hours of sleep. Ignoring people that are toxic, not texting back. Things that don’t give you stress.
So please remember, even the little things matter the most.